Monday, April 5, 2010

The Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood-What kind of culture is developing for our children on our watch?

I decided many years ago to become involved where I could –politically and socially. I experienced internal and external motivations to become involved. The strongest internal motivator occurred one day when my older children were younger and I understood with clarity that the culture was becoming a mess and it was happening on my watch. Could I meet my maker and say “yes Lord I loved you-but remained silent when other children and adults were suffering from such a disordered culture.” More recently before I went to the UN, I read “Salt of the Earth” from Cardinal Rat zinger I paraphrase- we are called as sheep to go out amongst the wolves and though we may not make a big impact we are called none the less-we must go. I interpreted this to mean I don’t have to accomplish great things and in all likelihood never will, but I must go from time to time and bring the face of Christ amongst the wolves

For many years I could do little except financially or spiritually support organizations that were in the thick of things. One of these methods was enrolling as a member for $25.00 a year to REAL Women because I had read the numbers have an impact when they lobby the government for pro-life, pro-family policies. Some of those years it was a struggle to find the extra 25.00. I kind of miss those days where it was a struggle financially but a simpler life in other respects —another story for another Blog. Now I am a board member for an organization I have admired from afar. As such I was accepted to represent REAL women at the UN. I put together a team of four young teenagers and young adults to observe at the UN CSW Beijing +15, as accredited observers with REAL Women of Canada.

It is a privilege, in many respects, to perform this service for those who cannot witness firsthand what is transpiring on the world stage, with the United Nations as a platform. Our young team attended events that under any other circumstance I would cringe to expose my children to such ideas. They witnessed some disturbing trends and the pursuit of ongoing trends-mainly that of promoting abortion and sex using euphemisms. In particular today I will address an International Planned Parenthood event where my daughter received the “Healthy, Happy and Hot” pamphlet. This pamphlet is very disturbing because it is promoting sex for young people as a ‘human right’. HIV infection is not an impediment to sex it can actually serve to enhance the pleasures of sex. I leave it for you to critically decide what will happen to parental rights if sex becomes a ‘human right’.

Please parents become aware of the Planned Parenthood agenda, and what PP promotes to the World. It will and does affect your children who even though they may not be exposed if for example they are homeschooled, they still have to live in this culture we are leaving for them. Your tax dollars are funneled to PP. I know the Government of Alberta indirectly at least uses Planned Parenthood for sexual training seminars for foster and adoptive parents. My final argument -I personally don’t think it is responsible for us as parents to focus inward on our children and our friends while ignoring the decline of the culture. Our ignorance is strength for those who oppose family values. If they remain strong the culture will continue its decline and this will be the society that our children and grandchildren will inherit from us. So I write to encourage and maybe motivate one mother to speak.

Apparently this booklet was given during a session on March 1 at CSW, UN NY, and NY during a presentation offered by the Girl Scouts. I met Sharon Slater the lady who claims she was in the room during the Girls Scouts session where this booklet was displayed—Girl Scouts by the way deny they had the booklet yet refuse to distance themselves from it or Planned Parenthood— she is quite credible in my opinion. I recognize that individual GS chapters may have very good leaders who do not promote this stuff. Your child may be okay-but the local chapters are financing and legitimizing the Girls Scouts Internationally. Some of you may want to reconsider supporting this organization -for example during their cookie drive- and let the parents know why. Until The Girls Scouts Organization chooses to disassociate from such ideology we cannot support them in any way shape or form. It is always important to let the group know why you are taking a stance-this is how the culture can change one person at a time.

Think about it- the Girl Scouts are implicitly and explicitly promoting the Planned Parenthood agenda who are now telling our young people sex with HIV is okay no worries.

May God bless us all

Theresa and family

Further reading


  1. For more stunning documentation on Planned Parenthood get the documentary: Maafa21 - here-

  2. Thanks for the link I will check it out now.

    A special thanks for saying something. :-)

  3. That is a very powerful trailer and a video I will put on my order list. Some will say 'that was then this is not how it is now'. To which I would respond that one truth will always remain- this is and always will be the roots of Planned Parenthood.

    I also understand that the majority of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are in poorer communities populated by Black and Hispanic people.

    Very disturbing! Thank you very much for this link because I had not heard of this video until now.

  4. Theresa, welcome to the blogosphere, and thanks for the good work in defending the 'little ones' as I call the little unborn children.

  5. Thank you Dave on both comments. :-)

